How to play
  1. Two street views, old and new, will be displayed on the screen. The initial state is 'compare mode' and you can move the slider to enjoy the changes in the points of interest.
  2. Press the '←' and '→' buttons at the bottom center of the screen to display only the newer or older street view, respectively. You can also move the Street View around and look around in the 'New Location Mode' and 'Old Location Mode'.
  3. Press the '↔️' button at the bottom center of the screen to return to the compare mode. Note that if you moved the Street View in 'New Location Mode' or 'Old Location Mode', you will enter Comparison Mode in that state.
  4. Pressing the back button in the lower left corner will return the two street views, old and new, to their initial state and return you to comparison mode.
  5. Press the refresh button in the lower right corner to load the new location.
Description of functions
  • Press the map button in the lower right corner to see a map of the location where the view has changed.
  • If you want to move the street view in 'new location mode' or 'old location mode', you can press the arrow (<>) on the street view to move without switching the time of shooting. Note that clicking on a street to move it may change the shooting time, but you can also use this to enjoy a time slip while moving.
  • In the upper right menu you can switch to other games. You can also switch to full screen.